Next Step Living

Next Step Living Ltd (NSLL) was created in 2019 as a vehicle for sourcing investment properties for clients. Our aim is to provide the best return for our investors.

Graeme McGeorge sources the investment properties from local agents and vendors where they are then brought to the Hub for due diligence. If the property fits our criteria of return it is then distributed to various clients who have expressed an interest.

Claire Winter and Helen Hawthorne are helping with the clerical load and speaking to investors.

Next Step Living Limited can also coordinate refurbishment quotations.

Next Step Living Limited will be offering access to Financial and Legal services through the Vigeo Property Hub. This is to give the investor an in house, quality service that we can also monitor.

Next Step Living Limited and Vigeo Property Hub do not provide Legal or Financial advice and rely on qualified third-party providers to provide these services.